Digital Scanning

In Spokane Valley, WA

Digital Scanning in Spokane Valley, WA

Digital Scanning at Ryan R. Love, DDS

Digital Scanning
at Ryan R. Love, DDS

At Ryan R Love Dentistry, we offer the latest digital scanning technology to provide comfortable and efficient dental care. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to obtain accurate and detailed images of your teeth and gums, providing a high level of precision to diagnose and treat any oral health issues that may arise.

Our Process

Scanning is an efficient and time-saving process. Our dental team uses a handheld device which emits light to capture images of your teeth and gums. The device generates a 3D image of your mouth, which allows us to easily identify and diagnose any oral health issues. This technology is more precise than traditional methods, allowing for better treatment and outcomes.

The Benefits
  • The process is easy and comfortable.
  • Impressions are quick and there is no goopy material used.
  • Intraoral scanning is extremely accurate.
  • Computer-aided technology provides an image of your teeth and gums immediately to help guide the process.
  • Items such as crowns, bridges, retainers, or dentures can be made accurately and quickly for patients.
  • Materials and labor are reduced with new digital scanning technology, and this reduces costs for both the patient and doctor.
More on Digital Scanning

Digital scanning is also known as 3-D intraoral scanning and uses the latest technology to take pictures and make impressions of the mouth. This type of scanning uses computer-aided software and a tool in the shape of a wand to create a virtual picture of the mouth. The digital software can display both the tissue and teeth and is extremely accurate.

Intraoral scanning helps our doctors create immediate digital impressions and images so that items such as crowns, retainers, dentures, or bridges can be made quickly. Intraoral scanning can help identify teeth alignment issues and assist in correcting orthodontic problems with your teeth.

Intraoral scanning uses both a wand and a computer to take impressions of your teeth and mouth. The wand is inserted into the patient’s mouth and gently moved around to capture the top and bottom teeth. While the wand moves, the computer captures digital images instantly and displays them on a computer. The process is painless and quick, and patients can sit comfortably while their impressions are taken.

This technology has seen significant advancements in recent years, offering even greater benefits to our patients. Now, we use digital scans to create custom dental crowns, bridges, and aligners with unmatched precision, ensuring an ideal fit for your teeth. We also use digital scans to plan orthodontic treatments more accurately, minimizing the need for multiple appointments and offering a quicker, more comfortable experience for our patients.

Dr. Ryan R Love with all the staff of Ryan R Love Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA, greeting you in the main lobby

Local Dentist in Spokane Valley, WA

Find Out More Today

Experience the benefits of digital scanning for yourself. Schedule an appointment at Ryan R Love Dentistry today. Our experienced dental team will provide the highest level of care using the latest in technology. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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